Artist Statement
Minds are faulty cameras attempting to preserve our histories. Many people collect objects and photographs as reminders to stave off the loss of memory that occurs as life progresses. As the notions of memory and self converge, a dichotomous relationship is formed between disintegration and preservation.
Home, work, and school are physical spaces occupied by belongings and people but play a simultaneous role as shelters for identity. The places we call home are containers that hold objects as well as inhabitants. What we each collect often reflects who we are and how we live. Many personal collections embody the attempt to hold on to certain moments and places. However, the objects we collect, just like memories, are continually affected by time. Both memories and objects are subject to processes of immortalization, memorialization, recollection, and loss. Although the imagery and objects come from a personal place, they can connect as being any person, any place, or any thing at any given time.